6 Reasons Families Choose South Tampa Teardowns

Posted on: January 2nd, 2018 by , 17,484 Comments

In 2017, we helped 30 families sell 42 lots, to 12 different builders in South Tampa!

We’re proud to be the most popular way to sell a property to a builder in South Tampa. When I think about 14-17% market share depending on how you look at the numbers… I am pretty humbled. Those were the kind of numbers that Q105 had when Mason Dixon was the undisputed king of Tampa Bay Radio.

So why do so many families choose to work with our team to sell their South Tampa Teardowns? Six answers come to mind and I wanted to share them with you today…


1. Fair Offers

This video sums up why one of the most popular reasons so many families call me… as many buyers will try and purchase your property with a low-ball offer.

This can be very frustrating and I’ve had a number of sellers tell me that competing offers they received from builders or investors were simply absurd. I like to share recent sale prices to South Tampa Builders to educate property owners on the value of their lot or teardown, so we can move quickly to get a fair agreement for both the buyer and the seller.

2. Fast Responses

We bought Patti’s home earlier this year… and she will tell you the timeline went like this… a morning phone call… an offer by the afternoon… and a full agreement shortly thereafter. Our goal is to respond to all prospective sellers with an offer within 24-48 hours.

3. Flexible Terms

As Patti mentioned, one of the best flexibility points we have as an organization is the fact that you can sell your current property, and have up to 30 days to move out after the closing.

This is a very popular offer when families are moving out of homes that have 30-40-50 years worth of memories… you can hear more about how this process works in this video.

4. Follow Up

While we move very quickly to work with you when you give us a call at 813-784-4199 or request an offer at SouthTampaTeardowns.com… we also understand that the final decision to make a sale is often an emotional one.

Sometimes families just need time to feel comfortable that they are doing the right thing selling their property… We talked with the family that owned the property pictured below for nearly two years before we came to a final agreement. While this is not typical… we will never pressure you to sell if you or your family isn’t ready to make the move.

5. Family Friendly Service

We’ve had home sellers share that we were very ‘personable and accommodating’ as they sold their mother’s house… and others share how helpful we were as they liquidated investment properties owned by their family.

This video goes into some detail about the story of a family selling an inherited property… a lot we sold to a South Tampa Builder. You can also see more seller testimonials here.

6. An Understanding of Code Enforcement other Legal Issues

One of my favorite stories to share is of this family… who had a home saddled with thousands and thousands of dollars in code enforcement fines. At one point, they even thought they had lost the property due to a fraudulent foreclosure.

We negotiated those fines down considerably… got their property sold to a builder, and helped them get $30,000 than a similarly sized lot that sold just two doors down the location of their property.

We are humbled that so many families have chosen to work with us and share how we helped them. Could I help you? Do you have an older smaller home in South Tampa? Before you spend thousands of dollars on updates… or hire an agent who may charge you up to 9% in commissions and fees… give me a call.

My name is Robert Wilson, I’m the Director of Dirt with EXIT Bayshore Realty in South Tampa. You can call me at 813-784-4199, if I am busy helping another family leave a message, or request your offer online at SouthTampaTeardowns.com.

Get a fair offer FAST… from a builder for your South Tampa property… and you won’t have to worry about paying for repairs or closing costs. If your property taxes are fully paid up… and there are no mortgages or liens on the property… a $250,000 offer from us will mean $250,000 in your pocket at closing. Let’s talk today. 813-784-4199 SouthTampaTeardowns.com

Proud Member of the South Tampa Chamber of Commerce


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