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Exciting news today at City Hall regarding the Tampa Tree Ordinance The Tampa Bay Builders Association presented an ordinance to amend the City of Tampa Tree Ordinance the code concerning tree removal and replacement. This amendment, shared here, will eliminate protections for trees that prohibit building on smaller residential lots in the City of Tampa. Proposed Amendment – City of Tampa Tree Removal and Replacement Today Tampa City Council passed
Tropical Storm Emily Could Not Stop SouthTampaTeardowns.com from closing this sale. Due to unpaid property taxes dating back over three years, this seller had a hard deadline later this week to close this transaction to avoid a pending tax deed foreclosure sale. This made today’s closing essential to protect the property owner’s equity. In addition to getting the deal done. We helped the seller negotiate over $55,000 in city code
Proposed South Tampa property taxes increases could hurt those on fixed incomes. According to an editorial in the Tampa Bay Times, Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn‘s proposed budget might have a big impact on property owners in South Tampa. The proposed increase from $5.73 to $6.63 in taxes for every $1,000 in taxable property value could put a dent in the budget of many South Tampa homeowners, especially those on fixed incomes.